Old Wark

Old Wark is thought to have stood to the south of the confluence between the Newark Burn and the Yarrow Water but its exact location is not clear and there are no visible remains.
The name distinguishes it from the later castle of Newark nearby which is thought to have replaced it.

Tvedia cum vicecomitatu Etterico Forestae etiam Selkirkae dictus
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654map image courtesy of NLS
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654map image courtesy of NLS
Alternative names for Old Wark
Auld Wark; Old Wark Castle; Oldworck
Where is Old Wark?
Old Wark is in the parish of Selkirk and the county of Selkirkshire.
Grid reference: NT 4250 2862
Lat / long: 55.547878, -2.912884