
Tvedia cum vicecomitatu Etterico Forestae etiam Selkirkae dictus
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654map image courtesy of NLS
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654map image courtesy of NLS
An apparent tower named O. Falshoop is marked on Blaeu’s mid-17th century map.
I have placed the site of the tower at Fauldshope farm pending further research.
Alternative names for Fauldshope
Faldhoop; Falshope; O Falshope; O. Falshoop; Over Falshoop
Where is Fauldshope?
Fauldshope is in the parish of Selkirk and the county of Selkirkshire.
Grid reference: NT 41210 25638
Lat / long: 55.520934, -2.932681