John Adair, c. 1680smap image courtesy of NLS
Ochtertyre House is an 18th century mansion which was extended in the 19th century however it may have earlier origins.
A tower named Auchtertyr is marked on John Adair’s late 17th century map.
The writer John Ramsay of Ochtertyre was born in the house in 1736 to James Ramsay, a lawyer, and his wife Anne Dundas, daughter of Ralph Dundas of Manor.
The house was evidently remodelled or rebuilt in the 18th century as a panel is carved with the date 1778. It was remodelled again and extended in 1885.
I have listed this as a possible castle site pending further research due to the tower marked on Adair’s map.
Alternative names for Ochtertyre
Auchtertyr; Auchtertyre; Ochtertyre House; Oughtertyre