Cockpool Castle (site of)
Cockpool Castle was a 14th century castle built by the Murray family.
In 1494 John Murray received sasine of Revell, Cokpule, Ranpatrick, Brydechapell, Lammartlandis and Prestdikis.
In 1570 Murray of Cockpool’s estate was attacked by English forces under Lord Scrope, sent by Elizabeth I of England into Dumfriesshire to destroy the houses of those who had supported her cousin, Mary.
On the 24th of July 1629 Charles I granted to James Johnstoun various lands including the five pound land of Egglefechaine. Presumably this was the same five pound land as the five pound land of Egilfechin he then granted to Lord Richard Murray de Cockpuill on the 16th of February 1633.
Alternative names for Cockpool Castle
Cockpuill; Cockpule Castle; Cokpule Castle