Bonjedward (site of)
Bonjedward is marked on Pont’s late 16th century map as Bunsedbrughton but it isn’t clear whether it stood where Bonjedward House is now or in the village of Bonjedward.
In September 1545 “the two towres of Bune Jedworth” were burned by an English army led by Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford.
Bonjedward House itself was built in the late 18th century but on or near the site of a building of 1671. It’s possible that this earlier building replaced or incorporated part of the old castle.
Alternative names for Bonjedward
Abone-jedburgh; Binjedbrugh; Bonjedbrugh; Bonjedburgh; Bonjeddart; Bonjedward House; Bonjedworth; Bonne-Jedburgh; Bounjedburgh; Buinjedburgh; Bune Jedworth; Bunjedbruch; Bunjedbruch Castle; Bunsedbrughton