Langbank crannog, the exact site of which has now been lost, is said to have been around 45m from the high water mark in a line due north from the west lodge of Erskine House.
Excavated in 1901-2 it was covered by a small partly grassy island known as Baby Island. Excavation revealed that it consisted of a circle of wooden piles approximately 15m in diameter.
Within the crannog were found a semi-circular bone comb with Iron Age decoration, a small penannular bronze brooch dated to the 2nd century AD and incised pieces of shale similar to those found at the Dumbuck crannog (most probably forged items).
Two further crannogs – Langbank East and Langbank West – are situated on the same section of shoreline.
Alternative names for Langbank
Baby Island; Langbank Crannog
Where is Langbank?
Langbank is in the parish of Erskine and the county of Renfrewshire.
Grid reference: NS 4355 7283
Lat / long: 55.923072, -4.505250
OS Map for Langbank
Weather at Langbank
max 4°C / min 3°C
07:38 17:25
Few clouds
Weather observed at Bishopton at 17:31