Pittendreich (site of)
Pittendreich was a castle belonging to the Douglas family.
All that remains is a probably 16th century doocot featuring an armorial panel carved with the Douglas arms.
Following James V’s death in 1542 Sir George Douglas of Pittendreich assisted James Douglas, 3rd Earl of Morton, to regain the lands which he had been forced to resign by the King. Sir Georg’e son, James, was married to Morton’s daughter Elizabeth. They received the barony of Linton from her father in 1543. The 3rd Earl died in 1548 and was succeeded by his son-in-law as the 4th Earl of Morton.
I have placed the site of the castle at Easter Pittendreich farm pending further research.
Alternative names for Pittendreich
Pindrech; Pindry; Pittenriach