Invercharron (possible)
Invercharron is a property that was owned by the Ross family in the 16th century and there was likely a castle here.
William Ross of Ardgay and Invercharron, second son of David Ross of Balnagown, was the first of the family and is on record in the first half of the 16th century.
In 1652 William Ross of Shandwick, who had become surety for his deceased cousin, Donald Ross of Priesthill, was granted “the davach lands of Invercharrone, with Manor house, sheallings, fishings, woods, grazings, saw milne, etc thereof” which were apprised from Donald’s heirs, Thomas Ross of Priesthill and his five sisters.
Invercharron House is an early 18th century house which now forms the west wing of a late 18th and early 19th century “gentleman’s house”. A marriage stone is carved with the date 1732.
Whether or not this 18th century building incorporated the remains of the earlier manor house is not clear and requires further research.
Alternative names for Invercharron
Inner Charton; Inner-Charron; Innercharron; Innerchrone; Invercarran; Invercarron; Invercharrone