
Pont 32: The East Central Lowlands (Stirling, Falkirk & Kilsyth)
Timothy Pont, c.1583 – 1596image courtesy of NLS
Timothy Pont, c.1583 – 1596image courtesy of NLS
A tower named Crooners adla or Croonersland is marked on Pont’s late 16th century map of the east central Lowlands.
I have placed the site of the tower at Crownerland Farm pending further research.

Sterlinensis praefectura, Sterlin-Shyr
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654image courtesy of NLS
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654image courtesy of NLS
Alternative names for Crownerland
Cromer-land; Cromerland; Cromerlandis; Cronarland; Cronerland; Crooners adla; Croonersland; Crouderland; Crounerland; Crowarland; Crowderland; Crownareland; Crownarland; Crownerlandis; Crownerlands; Crownland; Cruderland; Crudersland; Crunerland; Crutherland; Gronersland; Kronarland
Where is Crownerland?
Crownerland is in the parish of Muiravonside and the county of Stirlingshire.
Grid reference: NS 96491 76310
Lat / long: 55.968603, -3.659919