
Annandiae praefectura, Vulgo, The Stewartrie of Annandail
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654map image courtesy of NLS
Joan Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1654map image courtesy of NLS
Kraigs is marked on Blaeu’s mid-17th century map of Annandale, based on Pont’s late 16th century work, as a tower surrounded by wooded parkland.
One wall of the castle still stood in the mid-19th century but nothing of it now remains.
Alternative names for Craigs
Barnkin of Craigs; Kraigs
Where is Craigs?
Craigs is in the parish of Dumfries and the county of Dumfriesshire.
Grid reference: NY 0085 7258
Lat / long: 55.03781, -3.5529938