This large tree-topped cairn measures around 36m in diameter, reaching a height at its centre of approximately 3.5m. One standing stone remains close to the base standing 1.2m high by about 0.6m in width and depth. Nine other large fallen stones equally-spaced around the cairn suggest an original peristalith of ten stones. What look like the remains of cists can also be seen around the base amongst field clearance.
When visiting the site in February 2004 after some light snow, a slight ditch around the base was visible. Whether this is an original feature of merely the result of hundreds of years of water running off the cairn I’m not sure. Stretching out west into the field the snow also showed up what appeared to be some kind of long straight ditch, like a causeway of some kind.
A line drawn from the cairn to the centre of the Crofthead Farm standing stones would have passed through the original position of the Thorn cup-marked boulder.
Alternative names for New Fowlis
Fowlis Wester
Where is New Fowlis?
New Fowlis is in the parish of Fowlis Wester and the county of Perthshire.
Grid reference: NN 9271 2329
Lat / long: 56.389706, -3.739374
OS Map for New Fowlis
OS Explorer map OL47
Buy from Ordnance Survey