Milsholm Tower

The Burghley Atlas© British Library Board, Cartographic Items Royal MS.18.d.III., f.76r
Milsholm Tower was a tower belonging that was extant in the 16th century but nothing of it now remains and its exact location is unclear.
The tower is marked as “Milholme” on a map of 1590 which appeared in “An atlas of England and Wales, made by Christopher Saxton”, a book owned by William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, and commonly referred to as The Burghley Atlas.
I have placed the site of the tower at Millburnholm pending further research.
Alternative names for Milsholm Tower
Milburn; Milburnholm; Milholme; Millburn; Millburnholm
Where is Milsholm Tower?
Milsholm Tower is in the parish of Castleton and the county of Roxburghshire.
Grid reference: NY 50729 95466
Lat / long: 55.250903, -2.776611