Genoch (site of)
Genoch House was an 18th century mansion which incorporated part of an earlier building.
A tower named Mekle Ganoch is marked on Blaeu’s mid-17th century map of Galloway.
In June 1784 Robert Cathcart of Genoch and Knockdolian wrote to Dr William Cullen complaining of “a swelling in my Leggs”.
Genoch House was demolished some time after 1962.
Alternative names for Genoch
Gainoch; Genoch House; Genoch Mains; House of Gainoch; M. Ganoch; Mekle Ganoch
Where is Genoch?
Genoch is in the parish of Old Luce and the county of Wigtownshire.
Grid reference: NX 13416 56687
Lat / long: 54.870051, -4.909277